sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Bioavailability of resveratrol

This paper reviews...

Donor nations get low scores on climate change finance transparency scorecad

Developed countries...

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020

Agricultural outlook.

Can algal uptake stop NO3- pollution?

The influence of biodiversity...

Clean-energy credits tarnished

As the world gears up...

Netherlands pushes for innovation

The Netherlands wants to become...

Energy institute at Yale

Energy Sciences  Institute,

World Largest PV Solar Park Comes Online in Germany

Solar power.

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011

10th African Crop Science Society Conference

10-13 October 2011



 By 2050 there will be 9 billion people sharing one world....

Climate Trends and Global Crop Production Since 1980

Efforts to antecipate how climate change...

Looking into the future of agriculture in a changing climate

Future of agriculture.

Agricultural policy in an uncertain world

Agricultural productivity.

Predictive model for sustaining biodiversity in tropical countryside

Growing demand for food,fuel and fiber...

Sublethal exposition to crude oil during embryonic development alters cardiac morphology and reduces aerobic capacity in adult fish

Exposition to high concentrations of crude oil...

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

Satellites show whales wandering through the Arctic

The melting Arctic...

POET Closes on DOE Loan for Cellulosic Ethanol Plant

Cellulosic ethanol.

Game theory and climate policy

Greenhouse gas emissions.

Forests as carbon sinks - benefits and consequences

Carbon sinks.

A New Approach To Feeding The World

Can the current food  production...

G20 nations turn to agricultural research for food security

Food security.

New Siemens charging column recharges two electric vehicles at the same time

Electric vehicles.

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Waste Water+Bacteria=Clean Energy

For the first time,...

Banking Seeds for Future Evolutionary Scientists

Last week,the National Science Foundation...

Ironing Out Hydrogen Storage

The large-scale use of hydrogen(H2) as a clean transportation fuel,...

Coexisting with Cattle

Many large plant-eating mammals...

Biodiversity and Productivity

Research predict that human activites...

Germany's Green Drive Subdues Power Prices:Energy Markets

A surge in renewable energy...

quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011

The top 100 questions of importance to the future global agriculture

Despite a significant growth in food production...

The Water,Energy and Food Security Nexus - Solutions for the Green Economy

Bonn2011 Conference

11-18 November

Climate change - ready rice

IRRI is developing rice varieties...

Measuring Energy Efficiencies in Buildings:Connecting Goals with Metrics

For the past several years,...

10 Reasons Renewable Energy May Beat the Projections

Renewable energy.

China's new forests aren't as green as they seem

Impressive reports of increased forest cover...

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Africa must face climate change head on

FAO and African leaders...

Substantial drop in child mortality around the globe

The number of young children...

Donor support to help reduce poverty and improve lives still falling short

Donors need to intensify...

Nitrogen in the soil cleans the air

...Unexpectedly,nitrogen fertlizer may also be positive for the environment....

Soil Nitrite as a Source of Atmospheric HONO and OH Radicals

Hydroxyl radicals (OH) are a key species...

Soil Nitrites Influence Atmospheric Chemistry

Public discussion of climate change...

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

France takes new direction in renewable energy infrastructure to play on global scale

Renewable energy.

Implications for the hydrologic cycle under climate change due to the expansion of bioenergy crops in the Midwestern United States

To meet emerging bioenergy demands,...

Green strategy:South Korean energy plan is unrealistic

South Korea imports...

Natural gas:should fracking stop?

Extracting gas from shale...

Science enters desert debate

A desert may need no defining,...

US scientists seek united front

  Academia and industry...

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011

Bees are good informers

Honney-bees can do far more...

Renewable energy from Willow:Rothamsted Research develops a scientific collaboration with Ukrainians bio-energy firm

Scientists at Rothamsted Research in the UK and Ukrainian...

A decade of sustainability in chemistry

To mark the tenth anniversary...

Asia Report:Will Region Maintain Its Edge?

Since the beggining of the month,...

One hundred important questions facing plant science research

Plant science has never been more important....

Permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks accelerate global warming

Permafrost soils contain enormous amounts of organic carbon,...

segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011

Recovery of phosphorus from phosphate enriched water by crystallisation of calcium phosphates

The proposed project deals...

Sustainable growth - for a resource efficient,greener and more competitive economy

Sustainable growth meens:...

ICTKE 2011:International Conference on Innovation,Technology and Knowledge Economy

November 14-16,2011


Initial findings published from Europe's largest trial of low carbon vehicle

The first analysis has been published...

Tapping into the Geothermal Energy to Power the East African Region beyond Kenya

Geothermal energy.

Outlook for Geothermal Energy Stocks in 2011

Geothermal energy.

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Europe 2020 targets

To measure progress...

Top 10 Electric Car Makers

Elecric car.

From Dust To Snow

Atmospheric dust may play...

Global photovoltaic indutry doubled in 2010

...Yearly growth rates over the last decade...

UN chief to sound alarm about climate change on upcoming visit to Pacific region

..."My visit has three main goals,"...

Antarctic Ice Flow Revealed

The Antarctic continent's immense mantle of ice is diminishing...

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011

Germany Sets New Renewable Energy Record in 2011

Renewable energy.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

1-7 October 2011

Panama City,Panama

EU photovoltaics on the road to grid-parity by 2020

Solar photovoltaic electricity...

High plant diversity is needed to maintain ecosystem services

Biodiversity is rapidly declining worldwide,...

Eco-indicators:Improve China's sustainability targets

China's national and local...

Climate and weather:Extreme measures

When the weather gets weird,...

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Scientists to study methane leak in Arctic

A group of Russian and U.S. scientists,...

UN climate technology mechanism advances

The first meeting...

Record Hill Wind Project Receives DOE Loan Gurantee,Moves Forward:A Wind Powering America Sucess Story

After nearly 5 years planning,...

Geothermal Resources Council 35 th Annual Meeting

October 23-26 , 2011

San Diego,California

Managing Agricultural Emissions to the Atmosphere:State of the Science,Fate and Mitigation,and Identifying Research Gaps

The impact of agriculture...

Reconciling Food Production and Biodiversity:Land Sharing and Land Sparing Compared

The question of how to meet rising food demand...

domingo, 4 de setembro de 2011

Siemens and Volvo Form Electric-Car Venture

German industrial conglomerate...

Technology Cost Review:Grid Parity for Renewables?

Research from the University of Melbourne's Energy Research Institute predicts...

New project links UK business with carbon-cutting schemes

An ambitious new project launched today...

Chinese science ministry increases funding

Annual round of research grants...

Algae's Second Try

Fifteen years ago,...

Food and Biodiversity

The number of people on Earth continues to increase,...

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

Germany Energy Program Benefits Offshore Wind Over Turbine Based on Land

Germany's energy ligislation...

Germany-Greece in Talks Over Massive Solar Project

Greece is looking to the sun...

Divergent ecosystem responses within a benthic marine community to ocean acidification

Ocean acidification is predict...

Vrtual hunt for solar technology yields initial results

US researchers have used...

Increased forest ecosystem carbon and nitrogen storage from nitrogen rich bedrock

Nitrogen(N)limits the productivity...

Carbon emissions:Loophole in forest plan for Indonesia

Last year,Indonesia and Norway...