quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

Shale gas can be a double-edged sword for climate change

Shale gas can be...

Assessing climate risks to UK agriculture

Climate risks.

Brazil takes centre stage

The Rio+20 conference...

Assessment of ground-based atmospheric observations for verification of greenhouse gas emissions from an urban region

International agreements to limit...

You say tomato

Genome studies of food crops offer a powerful way...

Portuguese Cooking In Hawaii

Portuguese cooking.

quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

Castlerigg Stone Circle

Lake District,Cumbria

Fracking boom spurs environmental audit

As hydraulic fracturing..

The oceanic biological pump modulates the atmospheric transport of persistent organic pollutants to the Arctic

Semivolatile persistent organic pollutants...

Geoengineering:Cooling effects of white roofs

Urban roofs.

UC boosts emphasis on organic waste

Organic waste.

Computer models pinpoints prime materials for efficient carbon capture

When power plants begin capturing...

Pena Palace - Sintra,Portugal

Palácio da Pena

domingo, 27 de maio de 2012

Council restricts access to land at Rothamsted Research

Rothamsted Research.

Funds for Sahel are needed now

...A combination of drought,chronic poverty,high food prices,...

Feeding the future

China and the International Potato Center...

Solar plane begins first flight from Europe to Africa

Solar plane.

World's Largest CIS Solar Farm Connected

Solar power.

Germany sets new solar power record

Solar power.

Tyne Bridge

Tyne Bridge - Newcastle Upon Tyne

Author title

Frases XVII

O valor de uma palavrinha amiga,quando a coisa está preta.

Santos da casa não fazem milagres.

Para coisas que empestavam,havia dinheiro,para coisas que limpavam,nem um tostão.

sábado, 26 de maio de 2012

sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

Soil as a natural resource - transfer and conflict of scientific concepts between Germany and Russia (1840-1910)

By looking at the example of an episode of the history of science...

Vasily Vasilievich Dokuchaev

Vasily Vasilievich Dokuchaev

Old Memories XXIX - Newcastle Upon Tyne Eldon Square


Countries Doing Too Little on Global Warming

Greenhouse gas emissions in 2020...

FAO and Brazil look to adapt successful Program Cozinha Brazil program overseas

New partnership to promote nutrition education ,reduce household food waste....





quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

We must set planetary boundaries wisely

As pressure on resources increases,

Civil engineers find savings when the rubber meets the road

Study shows that pavement deflection...

Attack on Rothamsted wheat trial

On Sunday morning,20th May,an intruder...

Global Scarcity: Scramble for Dwindling Nature Resources

Resource challenge.

Probability of contamination from severe nuclear reactor accidents is higher than expected

Catastrophic nuclear accidents...

New desalination technique yields more drinkable water

More than a third of the world already suffers from shortages of potable water...

Frases XVI

Morava neles tamanha solidão,que era de admirar o não correrem todos para se abraçarem.

Receitavam sacrifícios,mas tinham todo o ar de não os fazer.

À distância,é de se ficar muito admirado com aquilo de que se foi capaz.

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012


Newcastle Upon Tyne Grey Street

Geologic methane seeps along boundaries of Arctic permafrost thaw and melting glaciers

Methane,a potent greenhouse gas,...

Source found for missing water in sea-level rise

Human use of water contributes markedly to rising tides....

Why great ideas come when you aren't trying

History is rich with 'eureka' moments...

Manufacturing woes haunt high-tech battery maker

Electric vehicles.

War on weeds loses ground

The rise of herbicide-resistant varieties...




Queens was established in 1683 as one of the original 12 counties of New York and was supposedly named for the Queen consort,Catherine of Braganza (1638–1705), the Portuguese princess who married King Charles II of England in 1662.

From  Wikipedia - Queens

terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

Durham Cathedral

Durham cathedral.

Extended leaf phenology and the autumn niche in deciduous forest invasions

...has strong control over ecosystem properties as productivity...

Utilization of solar water heater in a single basin solar still - An experimental study

Solar distillation is a promising method for the supply of fresh water to rural communities....

Desalination in northeastern U.S.: Lessons from four case studies

While much of the desalination activity...

Will the development of bioenergy in China create a food security problem? Modeling with fuel ethanol as an example

Food security problem.

Revisiting the probabilistic definition of drought: strengths,limitations and meteorological adaptation

Drought is a slow-moving hazard...

CD 120 wheat cultivar,standard quality soft,for the Southern Region of Brazil

...It is tolerant to the major wheat diseases...

Newcastle-on-Tyne - The High Level Bridge

Gravura de W.P.(ca.1880)
in The Illustratred London News,1881,vol.78,p.592
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012

Manufacturing the future: WINDPOWER 2012

Wind energy.

The government orientation and use of renewable energy : Case of Europe

Renewable energy.

Wave energy potential in Portugal - Assessment based on probabilistic description of ocean waves parameters

Wave energy.

China's BYD targets 5GW PV module capacity; mass energy storage production

Photovoltaic product,battery...

Potash Necessary for Canada's Economy

Heralded for its growth-supporting properties...

Frases XV

Apetites,hábitos e medos,determinantes de sempre.

A bondade pode ser prova de fraqueza.

Fora amigo de toda a gente,mas,quando precisou,não encontrou um amigo.

domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

Plan to provide Shefield with renewable heat from local steelworks

Renewable heat.

A probabilistic forecast of water demand for a tourist and desalination dependent city: Case of Mecca,Saudi Arabia

The forecast of water demand...

Emergence of the carbon-market intelligence sector

The newly observed economic phenomenon...

High sensivity of the continental-weathering carbon dioxide sink to future climate change

According to future anthropogenic scenarios,...

The Science Behind the Hype: Resveratrol in Wine and Chocolate

...Research ongoing,but early models show...

Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês V - Portugal

Serra da Peneda.

sábado, 19 de maio de 2012

Ferdinand Magellan

Early life and travels

Magellan was born around 1480 either at Vila Nova de Gaia, near Porto, in Douro Litoral Province, or at Sabrosa, near Vila Real, inTrás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Province, in Portugal. He was the son of Rodrigo de Magalhães, alcaide-mór of Aveiro (1433–1500) (son of Pedro Afonso de Magalhães and wife Quinta de Sousa) and wife Alda de Mesquita and brother of Leonor or Genebra de Magalhães, wife with issue of João Fernandes Barbosa.[2] After the death of his parents during his tenth year he became a page toQueen Leonor at the Portuguese royal court because of his family's heritage.
In March 1505, at the age of 25, Magellan enlisted in the fleet of 22 ships sent to host D. Francisco de Almeida as the first viceroy of Portuguese India. Although his name does not appear in the chronicles, it is known that he remained there eight years, in Goa,Cochin and Quilon. He participated in several battles, including the battle of Cannanore in 1506, where he was wounded. In 1509 he fought in the battle of Diu[3] and later sailed under Diogo Lopes de Sequeira in the first Portuguese embassy to Malacca, withFrancisco Serrão, his friend and possibly cousin.[4] In September, after arriving at Malacca, the expedition fell victim to a conspiracy ending in retreat. Magellan had a crucial role, warning Sequeira and saving Francisco Serrão, who had landed.[5] This performance earned him honors and a promotion.
In 1511, under the new governor Afonso de Albuquerque, Magellan and Serrão participated in the conquest of Malacca. After the conquest their ways parted: Magellan was promoted, with a rich plunder, and in the company of a Malay he had indentured and baptized Enrique of Malacca, returned to Portugal in 1512. Serrão departed in the first expedition sent to find the "Spice Islands" in the Moluccas, where he remained, having married a woman from Amboina and becoming a military advisor to the Sultan ofTernate, Bayan Sirrullah. His letters to Magellan would prove decisive, giving information about the spice-producing territories.[6][7]
After taking a leave without permission, Magellan fell out of favour. Serving in Morocco he was wounded and got a permanent limp. He was also accused of trading illegally with the Moors. The accusations were proved false, but there were no further offers of employment after 15 May 1514. Later on in 1515, he got an employment offer as a crew member on a Portuguese ship, but rejected. In 1517 after a quarrel with King Manuel I, who denied his persistent demands to lead an expedition to reach the spice islands from the east (i.e., while sailing westwards, seeking to avoid the need to sail around the tip of Africa[8]), he left for Spain. InSeville he befriended his countryman Diogo Barbosa and soon married his daughter by second wife María Caldera Beatriz Barbosa[9] having had two children: Rodrigo de Magalhães[10] and Carlos de Magalhães, both of whom died at a young age. She would die in Seville around 1521.
Meanwhile he devoted himself to studying the most recent charts, investigating, in partnership with cosmographer Rui Faleiro, a gateway from the Atlantic to the South Pacific and the possibility of the Moluccas being Spanish according to the demarcation of the Treaty of Tordesillas.

From Wikipedia

China's water-energy nexus: green-house gas emissions from groundwater use for agriculture

Green-house gas emissions.

From drought to flooding: understanding the abrupt 2010-2011 hydrological annual cycle in the Amazonas river and tributaries

In this work we document and analyse...

Representative concentration pathways and mitigation scenarios for nitrous oxide

The challenges of mitigating nitrous oxide...

Sea-level rise: towards understanding local vulnerability

Projections of global sea-level rise...

Lima Valley III - Portugal

Ponte de Lima

Frases XIV

Era como se não houvesse História,pois não lhe ligavam.

A igualdade é uma utopia,pelo que é caso para fixar dois limites,um,à pobreza,e o outro,à riqueza.

Era um barco que metia muita água,mas que lá ia navegando.

sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2012

FAO helps Tanzania monitor carbon stocks

...Forest soils contain huge carbon stocks....

Transgenic maize: methods and protocols

...What makes this book particularly timely is that maize is now increasingly marketed as F1 hybrid seed in 'biotech form' with almost one-third of all maize sown globally in 2010...

Solar PV Power more competitive than thought

Solar panels.

Hydrogen as alternative to petrol: Geesthacht scientists research boron in tanks

Fuel prices of around 1.70 euro per litre...

Tydal Turbine Powers Up in Orkney - Harnessing Scotland's Tidal Energy a Step Closer

An underwater turbine...

Lake Windermere

Lake Windermere

Frases XIII

A única coisa que sabiam fazer bem era o faz de conta.

Não era difícil convencê-los, pois não resistiam a dois ou três elogios.

Não lhes valendo os irmãos, só lhes restava o pai.

quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012

A global synthesis reveals biodiversity loss as a major driver of ecosystem change

Evidence is mounting that extinctions...

Recent Northern Hemisphere tropical expansion primarily driven by black carbon and tropospheric ozone

Observational analyses have shown...

EGS Takes Geothermal Global

Geothermal energy.

Solar-cells efficiency boosted by folds and wrinkles

Solar cells constructed...

High-voltage plant proteins

Crystals of photosynthetic protein complexes...

Less biodiversity,more allergies

A decrease in the amount of time spent in contact with the natural environment...

Newfoundland and Labrador

The name Newfoundland is derived from English as "New Found Land" (a translation from the Portuguese Terra Nova). The origin of Labrador is credited to João Fernandes Labrador, the Portuguese navigator who explored the region.[8]

From Wikipedia

Frases XII

Os ricos querem ser cada vez mais ricos e os pobres querem ser ricos.

Num mundo de tanta miséria,quem da miséria se libertou deveria estar muito agradecido.

Tanto que se tem para dar,ainda que não se seja rico.

quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012

Espigueiros do Soajo - Portugal

Soajo granaries.

Food waste,climate change top agenda at FAO Near East Conference

Food security.

Sub-Saharan Africa cannot sustain growth without ending hunger

Food security.

Could methane produced by sauropod dinosaurs have helped drive Mesozoic climate warmth?

...Sauropod methane emission...

Climate change impacts of US reactive nitrogen

Nitrogen cycle.

Arianne Resources Inc.- Lac à Paul Project,Quebec,Phosphorus and Titanium Deposits

...The phosphate deposits are expected to produce high quality igneous apatite concentrate grading about 39% P2O5...

China signs deal with Iceland to develop geothermal energy

Geothermal energy.

Timing of carbon emissions from global forest clearance

Forest clearance.

Maronesa breed - Portugal

Raça maronesa.

Frases XI

A economia sempre a crescer,sempre a inchar,é coisa de rebentar.

A gula era tanta,que nunca saboreavam o que comiam de cada vez.

A difamação rendia,pelo que abusavam dela.

terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012

New Danish energy agreement: 50% of electricity consumption from wind power in 2020

With an ambitious energy agreement...

U.K. Approves 299-Megawatt Vattenfall Wind Farm in Wales

Wind farm.

European Union Wheat: Dryness and Winterkill Reduce Prospects

Wheat production,

International Potato Center Receives Grand Challenges Explorations Grant for Groundbreaking Research in Global Health and Development

International Potato Center.

Asia-Pacific cannot afford to grow without addressing environmental concerns

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region...

Earth in the "danger zone" as global consumption reaches all-time high

The ever-growing demand for resources...

Can management induced changes in the carbonate system drive soil carbon sequestration? A review with particular focus on Australia

Carbon sequestration.

Frases X

Há quem veja a vida como um negócio,não de compra e venda,mas de quem oferece mais.

Quando se está disposto a fazer ultrapassagens de qualquer maneira,parece ter-se pressa de chegar ao fim.

O desejo de poder,de mandar,pode ser sinal de muita insegurança.

Parque Natural de Montesinho - Portugal

Natural Park Montesinho.

segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012



Canadian biofuel plan derailed

A leading biofuels company...

Commited carbon emissions,deforestation,and community land conversion from oil palm plantation expansion in West Kalimantan,Indonesia

Industrial agricultural plantations...


International Electric Vehicle Summit Dublin

Should other ecosystems stop trying to copy the Silicon Valley?

Silicon Valley.

Britain should rule the waves on green energy

Wave energy.

Elemental Announces 265% Increase in Congo Potash Resources

Potash resources.

domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

The World of Fernando Pessoa (Summer 2012)

Graham School,The University of Chicago.

Farmers to Harvest Record Corn Crop

Corn crop.

Israel Chemicals signs $260m Chinese potash deal

Potash deal.

Colt Resources Boa Fé Gold Project,Southern Portugal

Gold project.

Frases IX

Um chefe como deve ser é aquele que se vê nele um irmão mais velho ou um pai.

"De que me serve fugir da morte,dor e perigo,se eu me levo comigo ?".

Livres e prisioneiros,era,afinal,a triste realidade.

I Don't Know How Many Souls I Have

Fernando Pessoa


A film by Manoel de Oliveira,adapted from a novella by Eça de Queiroz.

sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

Terreno acquires potash and phosphate projects in Brazil

Potash and phosphate projects.

Atmospheric observations of Arctic Ocean methane emissions up to 82º north

Methane emissions.


One of largest PV plants...


A new study says that well-managed selective logging...

Response of the North Atlantic storm track to climate change shaped by ocean-atmosphere coupling

A poleward shift of the mid-latitude...

Lisboa Expo Park - Portugal

Parque das Nações.


Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês IV - Portugal

Serra da Peneda.

Um Rebanho em Sintra

Alfredo Keil,1850-1907
Portuguese painter

Museu do Chiado

Frases VIII

A concórdia e a intransigência não se entendem.

Não acreditavam no buraco da agulha, pelo que não paravam de engordar.

Quando a vontade de superar não desarma,pode dizer-se que não há limites.


Eu sei que o meu desespero não interessa a ninguém.
Cada um tem o seu,pessoal e intransmissível;
com ele se entretém
e se julga intangível.

Eu sei que a Humanidade é mais gente do que eu,
sei que o Mundo é maior do que o bairro onde habito,
que o respirar de um só,mesmo que seja o meu,
não pesa num total que tende para infinito.

Eu sei que as dimensões impiedosas da Vida
ignoram todo o homem,dissolvem-no,e,contudo,
nesta insignificância,gratuita e desvalida,
Universo sou eu,com nebulosas e tudo.

António Gedeão

sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012

Sirius Minerals says in talks with leaders for UK potash project

Potash project.

Phosphate Fertilizer Sales Push Higher

Phosphate fertilizer.

Adaptive evolution of a key phytoplancton species to ocean acidification

Ocean acidification,...

Agricultural impacts

The popularity of harvesting crops twice a year - double croping - in China...

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

18-22 June  2012


Frases VII

Muito tens,muito vales,nada tens,nada vales.

O coração está onde se tem a riqueza.

O futuro é o suporte da esperança.

Douro Valley - XIII

Douro river.

quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012

North Sea starved of oxygen

Summer oxygen levels are declining..

Climate forecasting: A break in the clouds

Clouds and aerosol particles have bedevilled...

Comparing the yields of organic and conventional agriculture

Numerous reports...

Misplaced protest

Rothamsted 's genetically engineered wheat should be allowed to grow....

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,Death,Famine,Pestilence and War

Albrecht Durer

Frases VI

"Après moi,le déluge".

O gostar de ser faz uma muito fraca figura ao lado do gostar de ter.

Não devia ter havido passado,para o presente não se envergonhar de imitações.

segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2012





Vulnerability of coastal acquifers to groundwater use and climate change

Climate change and human population growth...

Customs: EU and USA agree to recognise each other's "trusted traders"

EU and U.S. certified trust traders will enjoy lowes costs,...

Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition Food Security

A project aimed at using research and education ...

Old Memories X

Prebends Bridge,Durham

Author title

domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

Portuguese Trained Columbus

"In the last decade of the fifteenth century, Christopher Columbus set out on a westerly course across the Atlantic Ocean searching for an alternative route to the Indies but inadvertently "discovered" a new continent. Although neither Portuguese-born nor sponsored, Columbus was Portuguese trained. He went to Lisbon in 1476 and remained there for several years, seeking the support of the Portuguese king and gathering nautical and geographic intelligence from the returning sailors. He married a Portuguese woman; obtained navigation charts and related information from his father-in-law, Bartholomew Perestrelo, who was the governor of the island of Porto Santo in Madeira; and was employed by João II as a navigator."

In The Portuguese Role in Exploring and Mapping the New World,Hispanic Division,Library of Congress

African nations discuss creation of an African food security trust fund

The creation of an African-funded trust fund...

General food prices remain high despite marginal decline

Global prices fell by 1.4 percent...

Better use of water leading to positive impacts on development

Sustainable water reforms...

Approach to Tyne Bridge

Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Author title

sábado, 5 de maio de 2012

The Scientific Grand Challenges of the 21st Century for the Crop Science Society of America

Crop science is a highly integrative science...

Analysis of U.S. Genetically Engineered Crop Regulation and Litigation

The commercial potential of genetically engineered (GE) crops...

Science and industry club together to deliver better crops

...The research is aimed at delivering improvments...

GM food saboteurs only destroy vital new knowledge

...That trial was to test plants made resistant to nematodes,...

Plant perfumes woo beneficial bugs

Scientists at Rothamsted Research and the University of Shefield have discovered that maize crops...

Will Solar Windows Transform Buildings to Energy Producers ?

The vast amont of glass in skyscrapers...

sexta-feira, 4 de maio de 2012

Climate change impacts on tree ranges: model intercomparison facilitates understanding and quantification of uncertainty

Model-based projections of shifts....

Impacts of Biodiversity Loss

Historically,ecologists and evolutionary biologists....

Modeling Ice-Sheet Flow

The great Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets...

Regional Sea-Level Projection

Projections of global sea-level rise by 2100...

IPCC launches Special Report on Extreme Weather Events

....The report assesses the evidence....

quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2012

Two centuries of limited variability in subtropical North Atlantic thermocline ventilation

...anthropogenic carbon absorbed by ocean...

Japan environmental plan includes controversial greenhouse-gas target

Japan approved its fourth basic environmental plan...

Conservation: No silver bullets for African soil problems

Conservation agriculture is being used increasingly...

Peopling the planet

Not so long ago,the story was simples....

Wetter,drier with warming

Trends in tropical rainfall...


Amazon trees.

Author title

quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Brazil set to cut forest protection

Forest protection

Impacts of incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation on global species extinctions

Deforestation is a major source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions...

Climate response to zeroed emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols

The climate response to scenarios of zero future greenhouse-gas emissions..

Realizing the electric-vehicle revolution

Full battery electric (BEVs)...

China's Looming Conflict Between Energy and Water

In its quest to find new sources of energy,...

New method shows the best locations in Africa for improving maize yields

In Africa there are huge differences between the potential and actual maize yields....

Pacific Islands May Become Refuge for Corals in a Warming Climate

Scientists have predicted...