sábado, 31 de março de 2012

Solar energy in India: Strategies,policies,perspectives and future potential

Solar energy.

Review of solar obligations in China

Solar energy.

World Scientists Define United Approach to Tackling Food Insecurity

Nearly one billion people in the world are undernourished,...

California Water: Is Anyone Listening?

Water scarcity...

How Smart Is Your City?

The idea of ambient intelligence...

Field Research on Bees Raises Concern About Low-Dose Pesticides

Five years ago,bees made headlines...

sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2012

Venice: sliding down,tilting east

Although previous research had indicated that Venice had stabilized,..

New report says farming needs 'climate smart' revolution to feed the world

A  Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change,...

Fossil fuels: Peak oil is affecting the economy already

Fossil fuels.

African agriculture: Dirt poor

The key to tackling hunger in Africa is enriching its soil....

Farm focus for saving trees

The principle is seductively simple:to reduce carbon emissions,...

Food for thought

Chemical fertilizers...But they are an excellent way to boost crop yields:they help to grow food....

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012

IPCC releases full report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation(SREX)

Evidence suggests that climate change has led to changes in climate extremes...

OS LUSÍADAS - Luís de Camões

Os Lusíadas,1572.

Luís Vaz de Camões - Portuguese poet

Luís Vaz de Camões(1524/5-1580).

Assessing the wave energy converter potential for Australian coastal regions

Wave energy is particularly abundant along the Australian southern coastline.....

ONRL process converts polyethylene into carbon fiber

Common material such as polyethylene used in plastic bags...

Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity

Many studies in recent years...

Greening the World Renewable Energy Forum

Renewable energy.

Greening the World Renewable Energy Forum

Renewable energy.

India's Solar Excitement: Proceed with Caution

Solar energy.

Thirteenth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII)

21-26 April 2012


quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

New EPA Rules Will Limit CO2 Emissions From Power Plants

Greenhouse gas enissions.

Germany Offers to Host Green Climate Fund Debated at UN Summit

Green Climate Fund.

Competition running now recognizing energy efficiency

Energy efficiency.

Oil sands mining and reclamation cause massive loss of peatland and stored carbon

Carbon storage and sequestration.

Insights from past millenia into climatic impacts on human health and survival

Climate change poses threats...

Innovation under cap-and-trade programs

Policies incentivizing the private sector to reach its innovation potential in "clean" technologies...

terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012

Fernando Pessoa - Portuguese poet

Fernando Pessoa(1888-1935)

Mondego Valley - Portugal





What is the global potential for renewable energy?

World energy demand...

Desalination with Solar Energy - course

18-20 April 2012


Revolve Water in association with the Union for the Mediterranean release a special report on Water around the Mediterranean

...water management,climate change,...

Tree-growth analyses to estimate tree species'drought tolerance

Climate change is challenging forestry...

10,000 simulations show warming of 1.4-3ºC by 2050

A project running 10,000 climate simulations...

Denmark Aims To Achieve 35 Percent Green Energy By 2020

Green energy.

segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012

Alentejo II - Portugal


EDS Desalination for the Environment Conference & Exhibition

23-26 April 2012


The first operational financial tool for the Mediterranean Solar Plan(MSP)

The European Commission gave,last 16th March,...

EU Sees Window of Opportunity for Aviation CO2 Curbs Deal


A review of climate change,mitigation and adaptation

Global climate change...

A comprehensive study of the impact of green roofs on building energy performance

Green roofs have several environmental benefits,...

sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012

quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

Strabag to Spend 300 Million Euros for Wind-Turbine Foundations

Wind energy.

India's budget disappoints

India's remarkable growth in science funding...

Predicting realistic rains

A high-resolution climate model...

Coming surge in storm surges

As the climate warms and sea levels rise,...

Hydrogen can be stored as acid

Hydrogen gas holds promise as a carbon-free fuel,...

Change the approach to sustainable development

As the world heads to next big environment summit...de

quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

Can Oysters Save the World?

...The oyster - once more abundant...

Renewable energy - 2011 Progress reports

...It shows that the 2020 renewable energy policy goals...

New FAO Statistical Yearbook links figures to trends

...to reduce hunger and foster development....

An overview of global climate changing in current scenario and mitigation action

Climate change is a global threat...

Fermentative hydrogen production - An alternative clean energy source

Hydrogen generation from wastewater...

Development of suitable photobioreactor for algae production - A review

Microalgal species are recently...

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Solar Photovoltaic Technology at the Tipping Point in the U.S.

Solar energy.

Australia's Largest Rooftop Commercial Solar Power Project

Solar power.

Greece Seeks to Export Solar Power by 2015

Solar power.

India Ministry Said to Seek Extension of Wind Farm Tax Break

Renewable energy.

Alstom Wind Chief Sees Turbine Growth in Brazil,Europe

Wind turbines.

Germany's $263 Billion Renewables Shift Biggest Since War

Wind farms.

domingo, 18 de março de 2012

Aqueduto de Lisboa - Portugal




Douro Valley XI - Portugal

Pinhão railway station tile 3

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

Espigueiros do Lindoso - Portugal



Competing definition of climate change and the post-Kyoto negotiations

Climate change.

A major step in the fight against hunger as CGIAR Consortium attains International Organization Status

Over the past four decades,...

Water Solutions for Liveable and Sustainable Cities

Singapore International Water Week

1-5 July 2012

Impact of climate change on global tropical cyclone damage

One potential impact from greenhouse-gas emissions...

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

Mira d'Aire Caves - Portugal




Douro Valley X - Portugal




Environment: Act now or face costly consequences

As countries strugle with the immediate challenges...

New material for greater energy efficiency

Almost every electrical device has them,...

DuPont joins Stanford's Global Climate Energy Project

Global Climate and Energy Project(GCEP).

Environment: Toxic effects

When oil began...

China's budget backs science

China is investing heavily in research and technology to modernize its agriculture.

Water under pressure

A UN analysis sets out global water management concerns ahead of Earth Summit.

quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012

Alentejo I - Portugal

Alentejo não tem sombra.

Piódão,Historic Village - Portugal


Renewable energy in upper North Africa:Present versus 2025-horizon perspectives optimization using a Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) framework

Renewable energy.

The economic,environmental and strategic value of biomass

Biomass based power plants...

UN official stresses importance of ocean treaty in governing use of seas

...The Convention on the Law of Sea...

Water access must reach rural and marginalized areas in Europe

A United Nations  report...

Impact of declining Arctic sea ice on winter snowfall

While the Arctic region has been warming...

quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012

Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês III - Portugal

National Park Peneda-Gerês

Parque Natural de Montesinho II - Portugal

Natural Park Montesinho

Growing population will increase global climate challenges

As populations across the world grow,...

A shale gas revolution?

Shale gas.

Assessing Long-Term Flood Risk from Tropical Cyclones

Freshwater flooding is among the very top hazards...

Technological Power as a Strategic Dilemma: CO2 Capture and Storage in the International Oil and Gas Industry

This article offers a comparative analysis on the emergence of CO2 Capture and Storage...

Global bioenergy potential from high-lignin agricultural residue

Almost one-quarter of the world's population has basic energy needs that are not been met....

Drought is a recurring challenge in the Middle East

Climate change and water availability...

An engineered innate immune defense protects grapevines

We postulated that a synergistic ...

terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

Parque Natural de Montesinho I -Portugal

Natural Park Montesinho

Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês II - Portugal

National Park Peneda-Gerês

New-record wheat production expected this year

Wheat production.

Race on to the help farmers and herders in drought-stricken Sahel

Some countries in the Sahel region...

Increasing demand and climate change threaten global water supplies

An unprecedented rise in the demand for food,rapid urbanization and climate change,...

Innovation Is Not Enough: Why Polluters Must Pay

Innovative energy technologies...

Trading carbon for food: Global comparison of carbon stocks vs. crop yields on agricultural land

...Particularly in the tropics, emphasis should be placed on increasing yields on existing croplands rather than clearing new lands...

The water footprint of humanity

This study quantifies and maps the water footprint...

segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

Multistability and critical thresholds of the Greenland ice sheet

Recent studies have focused...

Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês I - Portugal

National Park Peneda-Gerês

Maiden and Modest - Bernardim Ribeiro

Expected: May 2012

Bernardim Ribeiro - Portuguese writer

Are public policies towards renewables successful? Evidence from European countries

Qualitative and theoretical  literature...

Asian Super Grid for Renewable Energies

Renewable energies.

Canadian Renewable Energy Makes Big Splash in U.S.

With more hydropower that it can use,...

New Approach Aims to Slash Cost of Solar Cells

Solar-powdered electricity prices...

Germany to Install Record Solar Panels This Year

Germany will probably...

domingo, 11 de março de 2012


These are pages for students of Portuguese,...

Tejo Valley II - Portugal

View from Santarém.

Plant Resistance Sustainability International Conference

The main challenge currently facing agricultural research...

Beyond Ideology:How Should We Feed Ouselves if We Care About Nature?

Agriculture already uses almost 40 percent of Earth's land mass...

FAO Food Price Index

World Food Situation.


Water and Food Security

22 March 2012

sábado, 10 de março de 2012

Tejo Valley I - Portugal

Almourol Castle - Vila Nova da Barquinha

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

Douro Valley IX - Portugal

Folgosa do Douro

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

California Takes the Lead With New Climate Initiatives

California,long America's environmental trendsetter,...

EU plans for renewable energy. An application to the Spanish case

Recent success in the instalation of renewable energy...

Adaptation:Opportunities in climate change?

Climate change threatens...

Earlier wine grape ripening driven by climatic warming and drying and management practices

Trends in phenological phases...

UN remains vital forum to adress today's most pressing issues

The United Nations remains as essential ...

Countries Must Invest in Food Security Strategies to Reduce Poverty

Food secutity.

sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Douro Valley VIII - Portugal

Pinhão railway station tile 2

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

Douro Valley VII - Portugal

Pinhão railway station tile 1

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

Environmentally conscious capacity planning and technology selection for bioethanol supply chains

Concerns about energy supply security and climate change...

Record U.S. ethanol exports in 2011 help offset Brazil's production decline

Ethanol exports.

A climate window in the Southern Ocean

The world's oceans act as massive conveyor,...

A Bumper Year for Chinese Science

In  a draft budget released 5 March...

Worldwide Lessons from 11 March

It  has been 1 year since a devastating earthquake...

Drought could become a catastrophe for 13 million if action not taken in West and Central Africa

Some 13 million people are at severe risk...

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

Lima Valley II - Portugal

Ponte de Lima

Mouros Castle - Sintra,Portugal

Flickr,by Portuguse_eyes

Linking Weird Weather to Rapid Warming of the Arctic

The loss of Arctic summer sea ice.á..

Preservation of organic matter in sediments promoted by iron

The biogeochemical cycles of iron...

Oil-sands pollution quantified

Air pollution caused by crude-oil extraction...

Lessons of a triple disaster

The aftermath of the  biggest earthquake...

Testing the Air You Breathe

Volunteers across the world...

World meets goal of boosting access to clean water but lags on better sanitation

The goal of reducing by half the number of people...

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

German Coalition Delays Solar-Subsidy Cuts on Investor Pleas

Germany,the world's biggest solar-power market,...

Lima Valley I - Portugal

Ponte de Lima

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

Sintra - Portugal

From Mouros Castle

Flickr,by Potuguese_eyes

Geothermal Energy On Rise In Eastern Africa

Geothermal energy.

Oasis in the desert with concentrating solar thermal power

The Pilot project is designed to fit in an approximately 10,000 m2 in area....

Solar Power and Wind Energy in U.S. Renewable Energy Attractiveness

In 2011, American renewable energy investment...

EIA projects U.S. non-hydro renewable power generation increases,led by wind and biomass

Wind and biomass dominate...

terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

Pena Palace - Sintra,Portugal

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

The Relic - Eça de Queirós

Expected:April 2012

Eça de Queirós - Portuguese writer

Status and barriers of advanced biofuel technologies:A review

Development of biofuels from renewable resources is critical...

Do ethanol prices in Brazil follow Brent price and international gasoline price parity?

After the introduction of flexfuel vehicles in Brazil,...

ARPA-E Has $150 Bllion in New Energy Funding for the Einsteins of Today

Alternative energy.

Emissions from Asia put US cities over the ozone limit

As plumes of pollution rise...

Giving waste water the power to clean itself

A technique that combines...

segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2012

Douro Valley VI - Portugal


Falickr,by Portuguese_eyes

The effects of land use and climate change on the carbon cycle of Europe over the past 500 years

 The long residence time of carbon in forests and soils...

Commission adopts its first Opinion on a draft permit for the permanent storage of CO2

Under the Directive on the geological storage...

Germany's New Solar Containment Policy

Severe and sudden changes...

GE Doubled Solar Energy Investments In 2011

Solar energy

Surprise:Chinese Suppliers Dominate Solar PV Module Rankings

Try not act surprised...

domingo, 4 de março de 2012

Douro Valley V - Portugal

Peso da Régua

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

Th Flame Challenge

..."What's a flame?"...

Is the World Tottering on the Precipice of Peak Gold?

Worldwide,gold production...

Imported Air Pollution

Homegrown air pollution...

High-Latitude Dust Over the North Atlantic:Imputs from Icelandic Proglacial Dust Storms

Minerals aerosols play an important...

The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification.

sábado, 3 de março de 2012

Douro Valley IV - Portugal

Peso da Régua


The extended reach of Australian drought

Australian drought.

Ocean Science:The power of plankton

The ocean is teeming with organisms...

Climate Change:A planet in flux

Human activities have added billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide to Earth's atmosphrere,...

Top student city

Paris has been named 'Best Student City 2012'...

New observatory sites

The US National Ecological Observatory Network...

Sustainability:Tax 'societal ills' to save the planet

Funding is a major stumbling block...

sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012

Douro Valley III - Portugal

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

Hydrogen giving reduced carbon emissions from vehicles

Hydrogen is considered to be an ideal energy carrier...

Collection of papers on hydrogen and fuel cells for low carbon energy

This volume is a collection of papers...

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in National and International Policymaking

...The project received financial support from the European Commission,...

Structural change in the biofuels era

The onset of large-scale biofuel production...

Powering the Dream:The History and Promise of Green Technology

In this thought-provoking book,

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

Douro Valley II - Portugal


Wheat futures pressured by USDA acreage forecast

...wheat acreage estimate for 2012-13...

Delivering Sustainable Systems

Designing,modelling and assessing...

20:20 Wheat

Increasing wheat productivity to yield 20 tonnes per hectare in 20 years....

Urban Watersheds :Geology,Contamination and Sustainable Development

The location of industrial and urban centers...

Troubled Waters:Ocean Science and Governance

Oceans cover nearly three quarters of the Earth's surface...

The Conversion to Sustainable Agriculture

We are confronted with an increasing number of signs...