quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

The pollinator crisis:What's best for bees

Pollinating insects are in crisis....

Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production

Strategies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions...

Wind Energy Markets Gather New Momentum

A sound revival after a weak 2010,...

IRRI begins trials on GM iron-rich rice that helps combat nutrition deficiency

Scientists have made a breakthrough...

From Dust Bowl to Dust Bowl:Soils Are Still Very Much a Frontier of Science

When the Soil Science Society of America was created,...

New opportunities in rice research

...Hybrid rice will play...

India joins 16 nations to crack wheat genome in three years

The elusive wheat genome...

Innovative vision

Bill Gates.

quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011

Building Retrofits:Tapping The Energy - Saving Potential

Of the hundreds of thousands buildings in New York City,...


Carbon emissions.

Projections of when temperature change will exceed 2 ºC above pre-industrial levels

   Climate change projections...

Current Global Warming Is Unprecedented Compared to Climate of the Last 20,000 years

A common argument against global warming...

The supply chain of CO2 emissions

CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels...

Cities to limit where "dirty" cars can travel

The "dirtiest" vehicles...

El gigantesco proyecto solar del Sáhara abastecerá a España en 2015

El consorcio alemán escoge Marruecos...

segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

Couple Donate $150 Million to Fight Poverty in Developing Nations

Stanford University will open...

Lab-grown Green Slice Seems Poised for Prime Time

Once confined to laboratories...

Can Vulnerable Species Outrun Climate Change?

Recent studies shed light...

Exhibition:Engineering water

It takes 17 bathtubes of water...

A walk on wild side

Feeding a growing population...

Crossing the threshold

At the end of November,...

Increased of extreme events in a warming world

We develop theoretical approach...

domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011


-Pois eu tenho estudado muito o nosso amigo Gonçalo Mendes. E sabem vocês,sabe o Snr. Padre Soeiro quem elle me lembra?
-Talvez se riam. Mas eu sustento a semelhança. Aquelle todo do Gonçalo,a franqueza,a bondade,a imensa bondade,que notou o Snr. Padre Soeiro... Os fogachos e enthusiasmos,que acabam em fumo,e juntamente muita persistência,muito aferro quando se fila à sua ideia... A generosidade,o desleixo,a constante trapalhada nos negocios,e sentimentos de muita honra,uns escrupulos,quase pueris,não é verdade?... A imaginação que o leva sempre a exagerar até à mentira,e ao mesmo tempo um espirito pratico,sempre attento à realidade util. A viveza,a facilidade em comprehender,em apanhar... A esperança constante n'algum milagre d'Ourique,que sanará todas as difficuldades... A vaidade,o gosto de se arrebicar,de luzir,e uma simplicidade tão grande,que dá na rua o braço a um mendigo... Um fundo de melancolia,apsar de tão palrador,tão sociável. A desconfiança terrível de si mesmo,que o acobarda,o encolhe,até que um dia se decide,e apparece um heroe,que tudo arrasa...Até aquella antiguidade de raça,aqui pegada à sua velha Torre,ha mil annos... Até agora aquelle arranque para a Africa...Assim todo completo,com o bem,com o mal,sabem vocês quem elle me lembra?

Um excerto,quase no remate,de A Illustre Casa de Ramires,de
Décima Primeira Edição

The Education of the Stoic:The Only Manuscript of the Baron of Teive - Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa,portuguese poet.

The Collected Poems of Álvaro de Campos - Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa,portuguese poet.

The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro - Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa,portuguese poet.

The songs of António Botto - Fernando Pessoa(trans.)

Fernando Pessoa,portuguese poet.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Agricultural cooperatives are key to reducing hunger and poverty

Smallholders farmers...

Alstom offers insight into its latest carbon-capture solutions

Carbon-capture solutions.

Action urged on ship's carbon emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions...

Huge iceberg forms in Antarctica

Scientists are monitoring the birth...

Polarstern launches 28th Antarctic season

...Over 200 scientists and technicians from research institutions in 14 countries...


The East Malling Research(EMR) Food Safety Day...

Restrictions on grain exports increase risk of famine in Africa

When food prices were high in 2007 and 2008,...

Europe and the global food crisis

Global food security.

quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011

The Triumph of King Coal : Hardening Our Coal Addiction

This year's UN climate negotiations...

Acidification of subsurface coastal waters enhanced by eutrophication

Human inputs of nutrients...

Signatures of the Antarctic ozone hole in Southern Hemisphere surface climate change

Anthropogenic emissions...

Arabian Sea tropical cyclones intensified by emissions of black carbon and other aerosols

Throughout the year,...

Climate change: Man-made cyclones

A surge in the intensity...

Europe - China deal

A reciprocal agreement...

More in Montreal

For more than two decades,...

Environmental problems putting global progress at risk

Environmental deterioration  threatens...

UN human development rankings place Norway at the top and DR Congo last

Norway,Australia and Netherlands lead this year...