segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

Manure happens

Scientists speaking at the Royal Society,...

What is the carbon cycle?

Just as the "water cycle" describes...

The Pink Peach Tree,1888

Vincent van Gogh(1853-1890)

Van Gogh Museum,Amsterdam

Overfertilizing corn undermines ethanol

...The research has implications for an industry that has grown dramatically in recent years...

Novel Manure Management Technology in No-Till and Forage Systems:Introdution to the Special Series

Surface application of manures leaves...

Wind Energy literature survey no.19

Wind energy.

European strongly in favour of EU energy solidarity

Energy solidarity.

quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Entender lo bello significa poseerlo/To understand the beauty means to own it

Panoramio,de Mirenterese

Author title

Political Instability Pushes Potash and Phosphate Producers off their Peak


Global planting of biotech crops jumps 10 percent

Biotech crops.

Estimation of Climate-Change Impacts on the Urban Heat Load Using an Urban Climate Model and Regional Climate Projections

A pragmatic approach...

An Estimate of Increases in Storm Surge Risk to Property from Sea Level Rise in the First Half of the Twenty-First Century

Sea level is rising...

Response of Tropical Precipitation to Global Warming

Carbon dioxide.

Technique allows researchers to identify key maize genes for increased yield

A study published online in Nature Genetics...

"Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture"

This special issue defines and highlights the science,challenges,and potential policy solutions...

Organic Vs. Conventional Farming:No Clear Answers from Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Counts

...However,we found that conventional fertility management led to a more active nitrogen-fixing community...posssibly due to the positive effect of phosphorus...

quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

UNEP 2011 Year Book launched - Phosphorus & Food Production

The UNEP Year Book has highlighted phosphorus,...

Genetic structure and domestication history of the grape

The grape is one of the earliest domesticated fruit crops...

Climate Change Affecting Food Safety

Food safety.

BMW lance BMWi,nouvelle marque à moteurs électriques et hybrides

Véhicules électriques et hybrides.

Investing in 'green economy'can boost growth,reduce poverty


UN agency chooses India global host of this year's World Environment Day

The United Nations Environment Parogramme(UNEP) today...

Carbon Sink at South Pole Has Grown Recently

By studying collections of a marine bryozan...

Expert credibility in climate change


Thawing permafrost will accelerate global warming in decades to come

This is a press release from the National Snow and Ice Data Center(NSIDC),...

terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011

Carta de Abertura dos Portos(The Opening of Brazil's Ports Royal Charter)


Observed soil temperature trends associated with climate change in Canada

Trends in soil temperature are important,...

Experts Question Aspects of Prescribed Burning

Prescribed burning to reduce...

Little evidence for fire-adapted plant traits in Mediterranean climate regions

As climate change increases vegetation combustibility...

Iron solubility driven by speciation in dust sources to the ocean

Although abundant in Earth's crust ,iron...

Reducing poverty by growing fuel and food

A new FAO study...

Earth 'unrecognisable' by 2050

A groing more affluent population...

segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011



Scotland recycles more waste than ever before as recycling rate hits 37.7%

Scotland local authorities...

Is plant ecology more siliceous than we realise?

Although silicon occurrs in all plants,...

Arizona State University geographers calls for complexity in sustainability science models

Tropical deforestation is intimately linked with urban dynamics...

Carbon and nitrogen dynamics during forest stand development:a global synthesis

Our knowledge of carbon(C)and nitrogen(N)dynamics...

Assessments of Potential Spatial -temporal Variations in Phosphorus Distribution and Fractionation in River Bed Sediments

Sediment characteristics influence the distribution and bioavalability of phosphorus...

domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

Deep-Red LED Light for Greenhouses Save Power


German Solar Installations Double 2010 Target

Solar energy.

Multiple Approaches Necessary to Tackle World's Food Problems

Researchers need to use all available resources...

Green Chemistry Offers Route Towards Zero-Waste Production

Novel green chemical technologies...

Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles

Air polllution.

USDA Requests Public Comment on the Development of Tools and Guidance for Estimating Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse gases.

sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011

Graines de clones

Des chercheurs de l'INRA...

The Tragedy of the Street of Flowers

Eça de Queiroz

Bayer starts pilot plant for plastic manufacturing with CO2

Bayer is taking a new direction in the production of high-quality plastics...

Potato research highlights need for food security funding

Potato research.

Does Peak Phosphorus Loom?

Scientists make the case that easily accessible suppliesof an essential element are being depleted....

Why Are Vines Overtaking the American Tropics?

Sleeping Beauty's kingdom...


Tomás José da Anunciação,1818-1879

sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011


Vinctus sed invictus

Bloomberg Brazil Economic Summit

March 29th,2011

Museu Brasileiro de Escultura(MuBE),São Paulo,Brazil

Climate Change Adaptation in New York City:Building a Risk Management Response

New York City Panel on Climate Change

2010 Report

Achieving Urban Infrastructure Efficiencies Trough Building Networks

March 24,2011

The New York Academy of Sciences

Facing the Elements :Transportation System Resilience in a Era of Extreme Weather and Climate Change

March 2,2011

The New York Academy of Sciences

The Warriors of Giugang:A Chinese Village Fights Back

Like many villages in China's industrial heartland,...

Nitrogen washing from C3 and C4 cover grasses residues by rain

Nitrogen losses.

Stimulation of ice nucleation by marine diatoms

Atmospheric aerosol particles...

quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Svalbard seed vault to take Peruvian potato samples

Potatoes are regarded as the world's most important non-cereal crop,...

China's water crisis needs more than words

Water crisis.

Genetic engineering brings cloned crops closer

The production of exact genetic replicas of important food crops has come a step closer....

Increased flood risk linked to global warming

Climate change may be hitting home....

The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

The case for an ecosystem service approach to decision-making:an overview


Belem Castle,Lisbon

William Clarkson Stanfield,1793-1867

quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011


Seis Séculos de Pintura Portuguesa

José de Sousa Moura Girão,1840-1916


João Cristino,1829-1877

New Material Provides 25 Percent Greater Thermoelectric Conversion Efficiency

...of a key material to convert heat into electric energy....

Travels in my Homeland

Almeida Garrett

The distribution of phosphorus in sediment and water downstream from a sewage treatment works

In order to ensure the good ecological status of a range of waterbodies,....


Americo Vespucci

Changes in global-mean precipitation in response to warming,greenhouse gas forcing and black carbon

Precipitation changes are a key driver of climate change impacts....

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2011

Spain's Iberdrola To Invest 365m Euros into Mexican Wind

Wind Farm.



Advancing Biocrop Alternatives in the Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest farmers could someday...

Agronomic phosphorus imbalances across the world's croplands


Russians Approach Pristine Antarctic Lake

Russian scientists drilling toward Lake Vostock,...

Happy People Live Longer

Happy people.

Better Science Needed for Restoration in the Gulf of Mexico

Oil spill.

USDA Decides Against New Regulation of GM Crops

GM crops.

sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011


Celebrating Forests for People.

Using Tree Rings to Predict the Response of Tree Growth to Climate Change in the Continental United States during the Twenty-First Century

In the early 1900s,tree-ring scientists...

Human Genomics:The next 10 years

February 22-23,2011

Scripps Seaside Forum,La Jolla,CA,USA

China sets 2020 vision for science

China is betting...

Social science lines up its biggest challenges

'Top ten' crucial questions set research priorities for the field.

Solar sails pick up speed

Two trials spacecraft...

Amazon drought caused huge carbon emissions

A widespread drought in the Amazon rain forest...

quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011

Scientists join protests on streets of Cairo to call for political reform

Nature Middle East was on streets of Cairo...

Ploughed fields

Van Gogh Museum.

Chine:une sécheresse record aux consequences graves si elle se prolonge

La sécheresse qui affect cet hiver le nord de la Chine,...

Beyond Timber:New Economic Opportunities for Southern U.S. Forests


Biogeochemistry of Carbon in the Amazonian Floodplains over a 2000-km Reach:Insights from a Process-Based Model

Amazonian floodplains.



The Castle of São Jorge - a view from Elevador da Santa Justa

Panoramio,de fajna_asia

Author title

Torre de Belém (Belém Tower)

Panoramio,de Aalecs

Author title

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Portinho da Arrábida - The best place in world - Portugal

Panoramio,de twiggysp

Author title


Carbon capture and storage.

Renewable Energy Targets:Comission calls on Member States to boost cooperation

Renewable energy.

Cheap,Clean Ways to Produce Hydrogen for Use in Fuel Cells?


Anthropogenic evolution of dark gray forest -steppe soils in the southern part of the Central Russian Upland

A sequence of dark gray forest soils...

La récession n'a pas empêché une hausse du CO2

Émissions carboniques.

L'apelle d'offres sur les éoliennes en mer lancé dans 15 jours
