segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

The Purification of the Temple

Jacopo Bassano and workshop


The Adoration of the Golden Calf

Nicolas Poussin.


Field Reports Spring 2012

...potash,phosphate and nitrogen...

4th African Rift Geothermal Conference (ARGeo - C4)

Geothermal: Solution to Africa's Energy Needs

21-23 November   2012

UN Gigiri Complex,Nairobi,Kenya

State of the art of solar cooking: An overview

Solar energy.

The renewable energy market in Brazil: Current status and potential

Renewable energy.

Insects for biodiesel production

In this paper,the fact content...

Monitoring forest carbon

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus(REDD+).


Inútil definir este animal aflito.
Nem palavras,
nem cinzéis,
nem acordes,
nem pincéis
são gargantas deste grito.
Universo em expansão.
Pincelada de zarcão
desde mais infinito a menos infinito.

António Gedeão

Cromeleque dos Almendres - Évora,Portugal

Almendres cromlech.

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Antarctic warming

In recent times,the Antarctic...

Women and climate change

Empirical evidence...

Supply situation of potash to the needy

Potash fertilizer.

16th Annual Chatham House Conference on Climate Change

10th - 11th October  2012

Genetic behaviour for plant capacity to produce chlorophyll in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under drought stress

Drought stress.

Trade vital to help countries achieve sustainable development

Sustainable development.

Todas alinhadas


sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Biodiesel production from non-edible plant oils

Alternative fuel.

TransAlta Abandoning Canada Carbon-Capture Project

Carbon-capture project.

Brazil cooperatives working together to reduce fertilizer costs

Grain producers in Brazil...

Conservation: Reaping the benefits of no-tillage farming

Millions of growers,...

Superstars of botany: Rare specimens

A handfull of plant collectors...

Chinese temple Macao

HEINE,Peter Benhard Wilhelm,1827-1885

Frases V

O Deus Me  valha tem muito mais crentes que o Deus Nos valha.

Era um país pobre com um rei muito rico.

sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

FAO warns of funding gap for Sahel and Horn of Africa emergency plan

Emergency plan.

Ocean Salinities Reveal Strong Global Water Cycle Intensification During 1950 to 2000

...suggest will become drier in response to warming...

Monitoring EU Emerging Infectious Disease Risk Due to Climate Change

In recent years, we have seen transmission...

The Greenhouse Is Making the Water-Poor Even Poor

...greenhouse will increase precipitation where is already relatively high and...

Climate battle for the skies

Tackling greenhouse-gas emissions...

Seeing carbon emissions

Carbon footprint.

U.K.'s Royal Society Finds No 'Silver Bullet' for Population Issues

One of the world's oldest scientific societies...

Mertolenga breed - Portugal

Raça mertolenga.

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Brazil:The Political Economy of Agriculture And Fertilizer Policies

...Brazil's recent economic evolution...

Antarctic ice-sheet loss driven by basal melting of ice shelves

Accurate prediction...

Mexico sets climate targets

Faced with slow progress towards...

Arctic heat link to weather extremes

The Arctic is warming faster...

Methane from the Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean seems to be emmiting substantial amounts of methane,...

Greater focus needed on methane leakage from natural gas infrastructure

Natural gas is seen by many...

Minhota breed - Portugal

Raça minhota.

From autoctones.ruralbit,com

quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012

An Appraisal of Farmer Variety Selection in Drought Prone Areas and Its Implication to Breeding for Drought Tolerance

Maize production and productivity...

US solar desalination demonstration project starts in 2012

Solar desalination.

Hydrogen Storage Could Be Key to Germany's Energy Plans

Hydrogen storage.

Direct potable reuse: a future imperative

As a result of population growth,...

India: STRASA hailed as flagship agricultural project by Gates Foundation

The Stress-Tolerant Rice for Africa and Asia(STRASA)...

Belem Castle,Lisbon

Stanfield,William Clarkson,1793-1867

terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012


Vincent van Gogh.


Sunflowers Inspire Better Solar Power Tech

Solar power.


Clean energy.

New Green Building Code References ASTM Standards roof reflectance...

International Conference on Sustainable Development 2012

July 31-August 2,2012

Anaerobic-methane oxidation in soils and water ecosystems

The process of anaerobic methane oxidation...

Arouquesa breed I - Portugal

Raça arouquesa.


segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012

Quantitative maps of grounwater resources in Africa

In Africa,groundwater is the major source of drinking water...

Sustainable development goals hinge on hunger battle

Hunger battle.

Mapping the Solar Potential on Every Roof in the US

Solar potential.

'Bacterial schock' to recapture essential phosphate

Phosphate reserves.

New strategy needed to reduce EU's environmental footprint

Seventh Environmental Action Programme.

"Energising Development": Commission's new initiative to help achieve energy access for all by 2030

Energy access for all.

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Carbon dioxide capture from flue gases using microalgae: Engineering aspects and biorefinery concept

Carbon dioxide(CO2) is one of the most contributors...

Ecology and Safety - For a Cleaner and Safer World

21th International Symposium

June 8-12   2012

Sunny Beach,Bulgaria

Prospective Report on China's Potash Fertilizer in 2015-2020

Potash fertilizer.

As Threats to Biodiversity Grow, Can We Save World's Species?

With the soaring human populations...


Poppies in the wheat field.

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Live Chat: Human-Triggered Earthquakes

Getting rid of wastewater...

Recent Plant Diversity Changes on Europe's Mountain Summits

In mountainous regions,climate warming...

The State and Fate of Hymalayan Glaciers

Hymalayan glaciers are a focus of public and scientific debate....

Inextricably Coupled

Presenting a detailed framework...

Biofuels and City Air: A Marginal Effect

If drivers switch from gasoline to biofuels,...

quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

Water acessibility: Boost water safety in rural China

The world is well on its way to meet the Millenium Development Goal...

Agriculture: Soil remedies for small-scale farming

In considering how best to improve poor agricultural in parts of Africa...

Predicting the Indian monsoon

Climate models can produce...

Can coral cope with climate change?

Climate change is likely...

All together now

...Europe understands the need for cooperation....

Deep-water drilling remains a risky business

Two years after the blowout of the BP oil well drilled...

Students Across Globe Can Take Online Courses at U.S. Universities

Online courses.

quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012

Verde Potash Reports PEA for Cerrado Verde

Conventional potash.

Canpotex,Sinofert sign new potash supply contract

Potash supply.

Towards a common carbon footprint assessment methodology for the water sector

Carbon footprint methodology.

Current facts about offshore wind farms

Wind farms.

Chinese energy and climate policies after Durban: Save the Kyoto Protocol

Global climate change.

Natural disasters and population mobility in Bangladesh

The consequences of environmental change...

Evolution of the global virtual water trade network

Global freshwater resources are under increasing pressure...

Residual soil phosphorus as the missing piece in the global phosphorus crisis puzzle

Phosphorus (P) is a finite and dwindling resource...

Frases IV

Uma vaca gorda,em tempo de vacas magras, é uma provocação.

Palavras,leva-as o vento,só que,às vezes,nem uma aragem corre.

Antero de Quental(1842-1891) - Portuguese poet

Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro

Museu do Chiado,Lisboa - Portugal

From Seis Séculos de Pintura Portuguesa

terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

Mirandesa breed I - Portugal

Raça mirandesa.


Frases III

"No meio é que está a virtude."

"Nem tanto ao mar nem tanto à terra."

Environment: Getting gold from garbage - how some Member States are making waste a resource

Top performing Member States have recycling rates of up to 70% and bury virtually nothing,...

Australia:Fresh water from the sun

The first modules have been installed...

Hybrid copper-gold nanoparticles convert CO2

May reduce greenhouse gas emissions....

Rothamsted Research announces a New Global Assessment on Soil Biodiversity

The Department for Sustainable Soils and Grasslands Systems...

Electric Cars Cost $1,200 a Year Less to Run

Electric vehicles.

Gravity is climate

For the first time,the melting of glaciers in Greenland...This corresponds to a sea level rise of about 0.7 mm per year...

segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012


José de Sousa Moura  Girão,1840-1916

Sociedade Nacional de Belas-Artes - Lisboa,Portugal


José Malhoa,1855-1933

Museu do Chiado - Lisboa,Portugal

Energy Department Announces Selections for U.S. - India Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center

 Clean Energy Research.

Joint European research programme to mapping out agriculture and food security in changing climate

The Joint Programming Initiative FACCE - JPI has announced...

Efficiency and productivity terms of water management: A matter of contextual relativism versus general absolutism

Growing water scarcity and increasing demands for agricultural products...

The impact of desert solar power utilization on sustainable development

Solar power.

Large drop in energy consumption and CO2 emissions in 2011

CO2 emissions.

Frases II

"Be the change that you want to see in the world."

"L'etat c'est moi."

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Alentejo IV - Portugal

São como bandos de pardais à solta...

From the blog Olhares da Natureza

National geodatabase of tidal stream power resource in USA

A geodatabase of tidal constituents...

Chinese Potash Contracts Give Market Hope

For the past few weeks,...

Effectiveness of desalination powered by a tracking solar array to treat saline bore water

A solar powered desalination unit...

Asian rice bowl threatened by climate extremes

Climate change and its potential to intensify droughts and floods...

Ecological demands on socioeconomic development of Mongolia under climate aridization

The questions of social and economic development...

Warming Boosts Plant Growth, Then Causes Long Term Decline

A new study has found...

Frases I

"A história é uma velhota que se repete sem cessar."

"O perigo está em perder o amor às utopias."

Lusitano horse

A unique horse in the world

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Climate Change: What Can We Do?

Global Climate and Energy Project.

Climate science: Aerosols and Atlantic aberrations

A cutting-edge global climate model...

Report: Oil spill culprit for heavy toll on coral

After months of laboratory work,...

Annual Report: Wind power bringing innovation,manufacturing back to American industry

Wind power.

Norway's Innotech Solar develops solar PV module from re-processed cells

Solar energy.

Besieged by Climate Deniers,A Scientist Decides to Fight Back

As scientists,we are used to having our work questioned....

Barrosã breed II - Portugal

Raça barrosã.

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012

Policy:Cleaning China's air

To reduce airborne soot,...

Can PolyPlus's Batteries Power the Future?

As any high school chemistry teacher will tell you,...

Russia-Belarus Potash producer inks deal with China

...Potash is a yield-boosting nutrient...

Beware: alien invasion. Where to next for an understanding of weed ecology?

In this issue of the New Phytologist,...

Virtual Hot Spots

Temperature constraints affect the survival of individual animals,...

Trading-off fish biodiversity,food security,and hydropower in the Mekong River Basin

The Mekong River Basin,...

Barrosã breed I - Portugal

Raça barrosã.

quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

Douro Valley - XII

Pinhão railway station 4

Methane emissions from north and middle taiga mires of Western Siberia:Bc8 standard model

During summer and autumn of 2008-2010...

Aerosols implicated as a prime driver of twentieth-century North Atlantic climate variability

Systematic climate shifts...

Gutseriev to Spend $100 Million on Belarus Potash Plant in 2012

Potash plant.

Slow progress to cleaner coal

China moves forward...

Phosphate Mining Goes Deep Sea

With developing countries pushing for more resource-intensive foods,... 

Mixotrophic basis of Atlantic oligothrophic ecosystems

...dominate CO2 fixation,competing for dissolved inorganic nutrients...

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

Alentejo III - Portugal

Campos de trigo.

Thermo-Economic Comparisons of Different Types of Solar Desalination Processes

Many types of desalination technologies...

Prospects for solar cooling - An economic and environmental assessment

Producing refrigeration...

Novozymes Drops as Ethanol Turns Unprofitable:Copenhagen Mover

...enzymes used for biofuel,...

Kyocera Joins IHI,Mizuho to Build Japan's Largest Solar Project

Solar energy.

China's Ma Jun on the Fight To Clean up Beijing's Dirty Air

Chinese environmentalist...

Denmark Passes Legislation: 100% Renewable Energy by 2050

Renewable energy.

terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2012

SINTRA IV - Portugal


Burnett William,H.,ca.1830-1860

Hydrogen as an energy carrier: Prospects and challenges

This paper provides an insight to the feasibility...

Stanford's Global Climate and Energy Project awards $8.4 million to develop innovative energy technologies

Energy technologies.

NREL Thinks Big at Wind Technology Center

Wind energy.

Solar Leases Attracting New Demographic

Solar energy.

Solar Research for the Renewable Energy Revolution

Renewable energy.


Conference & Exhibition on Biomass for Energy

29-31 MAY 2012


segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

SINTRA III - Portugal

Entrance to Cintra,from Lisbon

Burnett Wiliam,H.,ca 1830-1860

Energy for the Next 20 Years:Protecting the Environment and Meeting Our Demands

Global energy consumption is projected to grow more than 50 percent by 2035,...

Nature and the City:What Good is Urban Conservation?

Fron New York's High Line to the Los Angeles River,...

Progress in renewable energy under clean development mechanism in India

Kyoto protocol was the first agreement ...

Mitigating the anthropogenic global warming in the electric power industry

One of the most current...

Africa and Asia to lead urban population growth in next 40 years

Africa and Asia together will account for 80 per cent of all growth...

Complete organic crop switch would raise UK emissions

...could hinder the fight against climate change...

EDF,Iberdrola Beat GDF Suez in French Offshore Wind Tender

Wind farms.

domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

Oriente Station - Lisboa,Portugal

Oriente station.

António Ribeiro Sanches - Portuguese doctor

António Ribeiro Sanches

Impact of Point Polluters on Terrestrial Ecosystems:Methodology of Research,Experimental Design,and Typical Errors

The current state of the ecology...

Harvey carbon capture drilling a succsess

Carbon capture and storage.

Potential of Plants from the Genus Agave as Bioenergy Crops

Agave is a succulent genus...

Power from the Sea

Innovation as the crossroads of global security and green energy.

Many Forests Feeling the Heat from Climate Change

As the climate gets warmer,...

sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

Bridge over calm waters

Vasco da Gama Bridge,Lisboa.

From the blog Olhares da Natureza

Luís de Camões - Portuguese poet


Iberdrola invertirá 1.200 millones en un parque eólico marino en Francia

Parque eólico.

China and Russia established joint venture "Green Energy"

Green energy.

IEA recognises ascent of renewable energy market with new report forecasting developments up to 2017

The International Energy Agency(IEA)...

L'érosion des roches:un rôle plus important que prévus dans les changements climatiques

L'érosion chimique des roches...

GM rice research at IRRI

Since the dawn of agriculture,...

Russian Renewable Energy

Renewable energy.

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

SINTRA II - Portugal

Cintra, from the West

Burnett,William H.,ca.1830-1860

The FAO Food Price Index in March nearly unchanged from February

FAO Food Price Index.

Did Melting Antarctic Permafrost Drive Ancient Global Warming?

Fifty-five million years ago,...

Reuse of waste water in agriculture

Water is a scarce resource...

Global Observation of Forest and Land Dynamics ESA Project office established in Wageningen

The new project office of the European Space Agency,...

Lifetime of carbon capture as a climate-change mitigation technonology

In carbon capture and storage(CCS),...

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

SINTRA I - Portugal

Cintra,from the East

Burnett,William H.,ca.1830-1860

Climate change: A tale of two hemispheres

A reconstruction of temperature...

Glaciologists to target third pole

With the health of the world's highest glaciers in dispute,...

Noise nixes seed spread

Noise pollution not only alters the behaviour of individual animals,...

Heads up on a heat wave

A model  for forecasting seasonal climate...

The inconvenient truth of carbon offsets

Planet Under Pressure was a major conference on the environment...

Bolstering the link

Global climate.

quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012


"In 1544, a Portuguese ship sighted the main island of Taiwan and dubbed it "Ilha Formosa", which means "Beautiful Island." The Portuguese made no attempt to colonize Taiwan". 

From Taiwanese Cultural Society

Rural household livelihood change,fuelwood substitution,and hilly ecosystem restoration:Evidence from China

This paper systematically analizes...

Learning to govern:the challenges and opportunities of climate change policy

Climate change policy.

Worlwide research initiative launched to tackle global crises in water,food and environment

An ambitious new research program,...

People-centered investment in agricultural and rural development

Increasing agricultural production...

Broad range of 2050 warming from an observationally constrained large climate model ensemble

Incomplete understanding of three aspects of climate system...

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

UN-backed study shows technology can help world move to low-carbon economy

The use of broadband in information...

EU Commission publishes laundry and dishwater detergent phosphates Regulation

Detergent phosphates.

Investing in agriculture most effective way to eradicate poverty in Africa

With the deadline for achieving the Millenium Development Goals....

New York,Chicago Post Warmest March as Record Month Ends

...had their all-time warmest...

India Starts $15 Billion Program to Curb Fossil Fuel Use

India started a program...

Brazil Policies Helped Drive Decline In Deforestation

Brazilian conservation policies...

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Princeton system tracks drought to aid disaster relief

Drought is often the percursor to disaster,...

Exploring British Wildlife: bluebells

Natural History Museum.

Food security - how do we feed 9 billion people in 2050?

As world population rises...

Rothamsted Wheat Trial: Second generation GM technology to emulate natural plant defence mechanisms

...Wheat is the most important UK crop...

The Sandpiper Project: Marine Phosphate off the Namibian Coast

Marine phosphate.

Boosting the world reserve of phosphates

Phosphate reserves.

World Congress on Water,Climate and Energy

13-18 May 2012


domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

Agricultural research:achieving the optimum management of water resources

One of the major societal issues...

GreenStars,Towards a New Generation of Biofuel and New Products with Micro-Algae

...The primary goal by 2020...

A review on current status of hydrogen production from bio-oil

Increase in energy demand...

Quantifying the global wave power resource

Justifying continued development...

Achieving Food Security in the Face of Climate Change

Food security.


Scientists say they have successfully...