quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Douro Valley I - Portugal

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

The Netherlands is one of the world's leaders when it comes to propagation materials

Dutch companies producing propagation materials...

Wageningen UR signed agreement with Beijing on food production

The municipality of Beijing wants to triple...

Millions of children in cities face poverty and exclusion

Hundreds of millions of children...

Soil production limits and the transition to bedrock-dominated landscapes

The extent and persistence of the Earth's soil cover depends...

Hydroxyl radical buffered by isoprene oxidation over tropical forests

The hydroxyl radical is a key oxidant in thr earth's atmosphere....

terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012

25 de Abril Bridge - Lisboa

Flickr,by Portuguese_eyes

The World's Challenge,Feeding 9 Billion People

If a global population...

Designing trees for the future

Trees4future is a four year project involving 28 partners in 13 countries across Europe....

To drink or not to drink(tap water)?

The impact of environmental quality on consumer choices....

Melting Arctic link to cold,snowy UK

The progressive shrinking of Arctic sea ice...

Nouvel élans pou le site de la centrale solaire Thémis ,dans les Pyrénnées

La centrale solaire Thémis à Targassonne...

Alex Green Energy Wins India Solar Project With Record-Low Bid

Solar energy.

CPFL Buys Wind Farms as It Looks to Double Renewable Capacity

Wind farms.

segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012

España atraviesa su invierno más seco desde que se registran datos de lluvia

El actual año hidrológico,...

Lisbon Aqueduct

Built in 1746 to bring the city its first clean drinking water,...

Breeding for reduced methane emissions in extensive UK sheep systems

Methane emissions.

Extreme heat effects on wheat senescence in India

An important source of uncertainity...

Agriculture:Wheat crops feel the heat

Extreme heat can accelerate wheat aging...

Peak timber

We are used to thinking of forests as a renewable resource,...

Monney matters

Souless economics as well as corporate...

domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012

Catherine of Braganza

,Influence of a Portuguese Princess

United Kingdom Tea Council

Brazilian rice to be grown in Africa

Embrapa has tested its tropical rice seeds in Senegal...

Assessment of changes in methane emissions from marsh ecosystems of northern Eurasia in the 21st century using regional climate model results

Changes in methane emissions into the atmosphere...

Rethinking Carbon Dioxide : From a Pollulant to an Asset

With global greenhouse gas emissions still on the rise,...

'Storm of the century' may become 'storm of the decade'

As the Earth's climate changes...

Princeton system tracks drought to aid disaster relief

Drought is often the precursor...

sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros,a drawing and woodcut

The ruler of Gujarat,Sultan Muzafar II(1511-1526) had presented it to Alfonso d'Albuquerque,the governor of Portuguese India,...

Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization Related to Modest Reduction in Precipitation

The desintegration of the Classic Maya Civilization...

Preserving Montreal Protocol Climate Benefits by Limiting HFCs

The Montreal Protocol is perhaps...

Drawing a Bead on India's Enigmatic Monsoon

India's booming economy...

India's "Science for All Academy"

In 1905,Sir William Osler,...

India Rising

At the Indian Science Congress last month,...

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

Diálogos em Roma(1538):Conversations on art with Michelangelo Buonarroti

Francisco de Hollanda(1517-1585)-portuguese painter.

Recent contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise

Glaciers and ice caps...

Climate change:Shrinking glaciers under scrutiny

Melting glaciers contribute...

Australia:better solutions to wildfires

...there are some workable ideas...

Conservation meets capitalism in Florida

Off the coast of Florida,...

Wild flower blooms again after 30,000 years on ice

During the ice Age,...

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Water at Davos 2012:launching a new model for partnership

As the issue of freshwater scarcity becomes ever more pressing,...

IDDA-SMMD International Conference on Desalination & Sustainability

01/03/2012 to 02/03/2012


Workshop:Seawater Desalination Intakes/Discharges



Battery Devices Turns Seawater Into Freshwater

...researchers at Stanford University may be one step closer to cheap,efficient desalination process....

China announces ambitious seawater desalination targets

Seawater desalination.

Water Scarcity & Drought in the European Union

...is an increasingly frequent and widespread phenomenon...


Water scarcity already affects every continent....

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012

Harnessing salt for woody biomass production

In medieval times,...

Managing private and public adaptation to climate change

Adaptation to climate change is already being delivered...

UN warns of unequal exposure to environmental health risks within Europe

One out of every five European dies...

Nuclear Waste:European cityzens have a say on final disposal of nuclear waste

European citizens are invited to contribute...

Smartest International Conference

Implementing Flood Resilience

27-28 September 2012


Uncovering Civilization 's Roots

...But recent excavations...

Live Chat:The Future of the World's Oceans

Not only is the ocean being overfished,...

quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

Finland has largest share of economy based on information technology

Finland has the world's largest portion...

Maersk Leads Shipping Industry Developing Fuels From Waste

...that could cut its carbon emissions...

Energy:A crude awakening


Human evolution:Cultural roots

A South African archaelogist...

Charity supports science

At least 10 of the top 50 US charitable donors of 2011...

Models hone pictures of climate impacts

Will the warming planet be able to sustain coming generations?...

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012

Regional drought-induced reduction in the biomass carbon sink of Canada's boreal forests

The boreal forests,...

Study finds why parasites can be good for society

Ants are tough,loyal and hard workers,...

Blue Planet Prize Winners Call for Transformational Change to Achieve Sustainable Development

A group of the world's leading scientists and experts...

Reshaping agriculture for nutrition and health

The fundamental purpose of agriculture...

European Research by country:2004-2009

From 2004 to 2009,a period corresponding...

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012


A new analysis of global satellite data...


An analysis of satellite images...

Algal biodiesel production from power plant exhaust and its potential to replace petrodiesel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The production of biofuels and other products from algae...

Prairie Cordgrass for Ethanol Production

Ethanol production.

Review:The use of geographic information systems in wind turbine and wind energy research

Wind turbine and wind energy.

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

Ocean warming causes elephant seals to dive deeper

The southern elephant seals...

Revealing how a battery material works

Since the discovery 15 years ago,...

Zero Sum World? How Should the West Respond to the Growing Competition for Natural Resources

The world's population is expected ton reach 9 billion...

Excellent chemist does research on power supply using enzymes

Dr.Kille Vincent from Oxford University...

TEEB Conference 2012

Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature:Challenge for Science and Implementation

March 19-22,2012


Here comes the sun

Just outside Seville,...

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

Lake Vostok drilling sucess confirmed

Lake Vostok.

Experimental investigation on green roofs over buildings

Green roof is a passive cooling technique...

Little left to lose:deforestation and forest degradation in Australia since European colonization

Australia is among one of the world´s wealthiest nations,...

U.K. Oppens Biggest Offshore Wind Farm in $52 Billion Push

Wind farm.

In Fast-Track Technology,Hope For a Second Green Revolution

In Zambia during the current planting season,

Global Sea Level Rise: NASA Mission Takes Stock of Earth's Melting Land Ice

In the first comprehensive satellite study...

quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2012

Japan finds a key to unlock phylanthropy

Japan's universities and research institutes...

Exeter scientists illustrate plant communication in landmark BBC series

The University of Exeter...

Cool response to Durban compromise

The Durban conference on climate change...

GM as a route for delivery of sustainable crop protection

...Given the projected increase in demand for food (70% by 2050 according to the UN)...

Air sampling reveals high emissions from gas field

Natural-gas operations...

Finding the true value of US climate science

A new stratregy...

Gas and air

How clean is natural gas?...

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012


Posphate rock.

Morroco sees phosphate prices steady through 2012

Morroco,the world's biggest holder of phosphate reserves,...

Phosphorus Recovery : New Approaches Developed in Vancouver Could Save the World

In a May 2011 workshop...

Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012:Trends in NRR

23-25 September 2012


Sorption of phosphorus from agriculture and productive recycling

The project aims to transfer...

3rd Sustainable Phosphorus Summit

29 February-3 March  2012


segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012

Twenty-first century forestry:integrating ecologically based,uneven-aged silviculture with increased demands on forests

In the 21st century,it is expected...

The Cornell Team Redux:Shale Gas a Disaster for Climate

Unconventional gas offers no advantage...

Turning heat into power

A team of MIT researchers...

12th International Symposium on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms(ISBGMO 2012)

10-12 September 2012

St Louis,Missouri,USA

Harnessing nature's solar cells

Within a few years,people in remote villages...

Are transgenic crops safe? GM agriculture in Africa

Despite numerous studies demonstrating the benefits of genetic modification(GM)technology...

domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2012

Pathways of human development and carbon emissions embodied in trade

It has long been assumed that human development...

Genetic fingerprint reveals new efficient maize cultivars

The parent's performance has little to do with the child's sucess-at least in maize....

Genetic information migrates from plant to plant

Plant scientists were confounded...

Energy efficiency paves the way to a low-carbon future,but barriers persist

Save money,save the world....

Wireless power could revolutionize highway transportation

A Stanford University research team...

Crop yields in a geoengineered climate

Crop models predict...

sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

Cropping Carbon

The UK has an ambitious target of 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050....

Breeding better grasses for food and fuel

...The research was carried out by a team...

Improving water productivity,yields and quality in UK agriculture and horticulture

East Malling Conference Centre.

UN says Somali famine over but warns action needed to forestall new crisis

The United Nations declared...

Sustainable development the focus of talks between Assembly chief and French officials

Sustainable development and the environment...

Threatened by climate change,glaciers now under attack from ice thieves

Criminal gangs are becoming...

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Adaptable,nutritious Ahipa offers vast potential for food security in Africa

...CIP is collaborating on the project...

Gates to Pitch His Charity Work at Davos

Charity work.

European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012

European Year...

New Golden Rice Partners Join Forces Against Vitamin A Deficiency

Golden Rice.


Renewable Energy World Africa...

Technology Is Turning U.S. Oil Around But Not the World's

For at least 20 years,...

The Global Knowledge Society

Knowledge societies rest...

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

How cells dispose of their waste

Max Plank researchers reveal...

Uganda's Bujagali Hydroelectric Plant Starts Supply

Uganda´s 250-megawatt...

For the Electric Car,A Slow Road to Sucess

Electric car.

Biotechnology for the Development of Drought Tolerant Crops

Adverse environmental factors,...

Biodiversity enhances ecosystems global drylands

Study suggests that plant biodiversity buffers negative climate change...

Costs of Stricter CO2 Goal for EU Nations Drop

The costs of tightening...

The great Arctic oil race begins

The race is on for positions...

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012

Economy in Crisis - A Monetary Perspective

What is the cause of the current economic crisis and how do we get out of it?...

Ecological networks and cost-benefit analysis

Increasing pressure on land demands...

Wageningen University collaborates with China on carbon cycle research

The chairgroup Meteorology and Air Quality...

Market Makers

Developing and Deploying Energy Eficiency Technology in NYC

By 2050,the global population will approach 9 billion,...

Responding to Climate Change in New York State:The ClimAID Integrated Assessment for Effective Climate Change Adaptations Final Report

Climate change is already  beginning to affect New York State...