sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

UN to present plan for sustainable future to oceans

Four United Nations agencies...

On guard against drought

Identification of a gene...

Forests can feed world's hungry and over-explotation for timber must be curbed

Forests can play an even greater role...

Plant Breeding for Drought Tolerance

Colorado State University...

Video:Siemens Enters Geothermal Market

For the second time this month,...

UN project seeks to make use of Nile's resources to fend off poverty and hunger

Poverty and hunger.

NOAA Bombshell:Human Caused Climate Change Already a Major Factor in More Frequent Mediterranean Droughts

Wintertime droughts are increasingly common...

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Companies call for tougher climate action

Leaders of nearly 200 major companies...

Ecological oversight:Brazil's forest code puts wetlands at risk

Brazil's revisions...

Unprecedented Arctic ozone loss in 2011

Chemical ozone destruction...

Marine pollution:Give more priority to phosphorus studies

Phosphorus studies.

Desertification:The next dust bowl

Drought is the most pressing problem...

Piecemeal cuts won't add up to radical reductions

To meet ambitious emissions targets...

Scientific climate

Global warming is really happening  - really....

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

Emissions of ammonia,methane,carbon dioxide,and nitrous oxide from dairy cattle housing and manure managements systems

Concentrated animal feeding operations...

Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production

Strategies for reducing...

Expert says quakes in England may be tied to gas extraction

A British seismologist...

How to find common ground in the bitter climate debate

Climate debate.

Climate action a 'moral responsability'

Global warming is causing changes in glaciers,...

Different method,same result:global warming is real

Independent analysis confirms...

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011


Céu baço. Quente quebranto
se espalha,no longe,enquanto
cantam cigarras à roda...

E parou-se a vida toda;
porque o Sol tudo queimou.
Só,no ar quente,pairou
um negro corvo e poisou
sobre o montado sangrando,
nos troncos rudes despidos...

Redobram roucos zumbidos
de moscardos que passando,
em cega-rega adormecem;
entorpecendo os sentidos...

... Sobre os meus olhos cansados
e cerrados
há véus de chamas que descem...

Alentejo Não Tem Sombra
Eugénio de Andrade
Edições ASA

100% Cork

100% cork.

How cork is made

How cork is made.

Cork Harvesting

Cork harvesting.

Cork in Portugal

Cork in Portugal.

sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011


28-30 March, 2012

Santiago de Compostela

Revisiting Population Growth:The Impact of Ecological Limits

The hard part...

Impact of high-temperatures stress on rice plant and its traits related to tolerance

The predict 2-4 C increment...

Sources and mitigation of methane emissions by sectors:A critical review

The environmental community...

Japan Launches Assault On Battery Problems

The trouble with EVs...

World Food Day focuses on swinging food prices

..."Food prices - from crisis to stability",...

Climate change scenarios confirm warming

Average temperatures...

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Aqueducto de Lisboa

Tomás José da Anunciação,1818-1879 - Portuguese painter.


Tomás José da Anunciação,1818-1879 - Portuguese painter.

José de Guimarães - Portuguese painter

José de Guimarães.

Almada Negreiros - Portuguese painter

Almada Negreiros.

Graça Morais - Portuguese painter

Graça Morais.

Museu Grão Vasco,Viseu - Portugal

Museu Grão Vasco.

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Improved Solar Desalination

Industry processes produce...

Drought Tolerant Plants 2011

Drought tolerant plants.

A Once Polluted Chinese City Is Turning from Gray to Green

Almost everyday of his childhood,...

Watching Climate Trough a Farmer's Eyes

In the last few decades,...

Smart Energy Japan 2012

February 1-3,2012

Tokyo Big Sight

Primary forests are irreplaceable for sustaining tropical biodiversity

Human-driven land-use changes...

Solutions for a cultivated planet

Increasing population and consumption...

Dam controversy:Remaking the Mekong

Damning the Mekong River...

Seven billion and counting

What's in a number?...

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis

Recent studies have shown...

Engineering Food for All

Food prices are at record highs...

India carries out tsunami warning system test

A first of its kind...

Renewable Energy Fosters a Boom in a Depressed German State

Renewable energy.

2011 World Solar Challenge Gets Under Way

Solar powered cars.

Solar Suitcase Saving Lives in Developing Nations

Solar suitcase.

Ban hails former UN chief Dag Hammarskjöld as a conscientious leader of peace

Daj Hammarskjöld.

FAO project help Kenian farmers withstand drought

Food security.

Climate change 'great threat' to secutity and health

Security and health.

segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011

Rome-based food agencies celebrate World Food Day

World Food Day.

BASF exhibits at Solar Power International 2011

Solar power.

Scientists Seek to Document Later Fall Colors

Clocks may not be...

Climate Tipping Points for Tropical Forest and Savanna

The study shows...

Kick-Off Meeting of the Saclay Plant Sciences(SPS) LasEx

The Saclay Plant Sciences LabEx,...

USDA Invests in America's Specialty Crops with Research and Extension Activities in 19 States

Research and Extension activities.

What is the irrigation potential for Africa? A combined biophysical and socieconomic approach?

Altgough irrigation in Africa...

Charging Stations Multiply But Electric Cars Are Few

Electric cars.

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Germany's Rising Share of Renewable Energy Sources Boosting Energy Storage Segment

Over 20 percent of Germany's total energy mix...

Researchers improve log-term climate forecasts

Researchers in France and the United States...

Solar Closes In on Grid Parity

In the world of renewables,...

Exopolysaccharides produced by the symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria of leguminosae

Nitrogen(N) is a constituent...

Solubilisation of inorganic phosphates by inoculant strains from tropical legumes

In tropical soils,...

A Major Environmental Cause of Death

The World Health Organization...

Vital Details of Global Warming Are Eluding Forecasters

Climate researchers...

Peruvian Highlands, Fume-Free

In the andean highlands of Peru,...

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

Toyota RAV4 EV SUV electric 2012

Electric vehicles.

IMPACT2C - new EU project starts

The final agreement of the 2010...

Technology funding makes climate protection cheaper

To cost-effectively protect the climate,...

Peak Phosphate

The aftermath of the Hubbert Peak Theory...

With the high food prices set to continue, UN agencies issue call for action

High food prices.

Scientific and financial backing essential to fight droughts and famine

Scientific and financial resources...

World must welcome 7 billionth citizen with sustainable future

Sustainable future.

terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011

Silva Porto - Portuguese painter

Silva Porto,portuguese painter.

The ship of Hell by Gil Vicente

Gil Vicente(1465-1516?),portuguese playwriter.

João Vieira - Portuguese painter

João Vieira,portuguese painter.

The Sibyl Cassandra:A Christmas Play with the Insanity and Sanctity of Five Centuries Past by Gil Vicente

Gil Vicente(1465-1516?),portuguese playwriter.

Henrique Pousão - Portuguese painter

Henrique Pousão,portuguese painter.

Four Plays of Gil Vicente by Gil Vicente

Gil Vicente(1465-1516?),portuguese playwriter.

segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2011

BioSolar Supplying Asian Manufacturers

Solar energy.

Lessons from nature about solar light harvesting

Solar fuel production...

Loss Of Ice Shelves In Canada Due To Warming Changing Coastline

Records to continue to be broken...

Trees clean polluted air

Research by scientists at the University of Southampton...

Climate change :A risk for plants and animals worldwide

Climate change entalls...

World cereal markets expected to stay tight amid rising production

Despite improved production prospects,...

Scientists Eye "Windows of Oportunities " for Adapting Food Crops To Climate Change in the Next Two Decades

Responding to appeals from African leaders...

sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

The Genomic Basis of Local Climatic Adaptation

Many plant populations...

Potash and Phosphate Q4 Outlook

Despite debt burdens...

Green Buildings In Europe To Quadruple By 2016

European mandates for improved energy efficiency...

New Arctic Survey Reveals Sharp Decline In Old,Thick Sea Ice

A fourth month sea-ice survey...

Desalination Equipment Rushed To Drought-Stricken Pacific Nation

...after six months without rain....

ManagEnergy:Coordination and support for implementation of EU energy policies by local authorities and energy agencies

Open Calls for Tender.

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Biogeochemistry:Taking stock of forest carbon

Forests take up...

Algal biodiesel production from power plant exhaust and its potential to replace petrodiesel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The production of biofuels...

Climate change and energy implications of gas flaring for Nigeria

The flaring of oil-associated gas...

Reduced survival of Antarctic benthos linked to climate-induced iceberg scouring

The West Antarctic Peninsula...

Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property

Globally,soil organic matter...

Energy production:Giant dam threatens Brazilian rainforest

Brazil's rainforest...

Phosphorus cycle:A broken biogeochemical cycle

Excess phosphorus...

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Catedral de Granada

Catedral de Granada.

Jorge Barradas - Biblioteca Nacional Digital

Biblioteca Nacional Digital.

Modern Art Centre - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Modern Art Centre.

Júlio Resende - Portuguese painter

Júlio Resende.

Bartolomeu Cid dos Santos - Portuguese engraver

Bartolomeu Cid dos Santos.

Jorge Barradas - Portuguese illustrator

 Jorge Barradas.