segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Metabolism in reverse:Making biofuels at full-throttle pace

In a biotechnonological tour de force ,Rice University...

Princeton:Direct removal of carbon dioxide from air likely not viable

Technologies for removing carbon dioxide...

Potato project aims to create spuds as you'll like

An international project based in Peru...

Examining Biofuels Policy

By 2050,the global population...

150 Reports on sustainability & green chemistry at American Chemical Society Meeting

With "sustainability" on the minds and lips...

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011

Icy Greenland

Across Greenland's vast white landscape,...

Powered by the sun and Stanford ingenuity

Solar power.

Civil conflicts are associated with the global climate

It has been proposed that changes...

Environmental science:Climate for conflict

The idea that climate...

Forum Chemical engineering:Fuel for debate

With fossil-fuel supplies set to dwindle,...

Spoils of war

Conflict poisons both land and sea,...

quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011

Predicting Climate 'Tipping Points' Within Reach

After several years...

Probing the Role of the Sun in a Era of Global Warming

Anyone who doubts...

Women and Anti-Poverty Programs in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has made...

Wind farm in North Sea has positive net impact on faun

A North-Sea wind farm...

Source of Half Earth's Oxygen Gets Little Credit


Scientists must leave the ivory tower and become advocates,or civilization is endangered

Scientists,especially ecologists,...

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

The Plant-Fungal Marketplace

The transition of plants to land,...

Moving Towards Global Science

We are experiencing...

Global change:The grass response

A three-year study...

Atmospheric science:Enigma of the recent methane budget

The previously increasing...

Hydrogen is an energy source for hydrothermal vent symbioses

The discovery in deep-sea...

US launches eco-network

Ready or not...

terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011

Google Effects on Memory:Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips

The advent of Internet,...

Carbon emission from hydraulic reservoirs linked to reservoir age and latitude

Hydroelectric reservoirs...

Brazil promises 75,000 scholarships in science and technology

The Brazilian government...

The Phosphorus Footprint of China's Food Chain:Implications for Food Security,Natural Resource Management and Environmental Quality

Efficient use of phosphorus...

Biofuel Development,Food Security and the Use of Marginal Land in China

With concerns of energy shortages,...

quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

Deep-sea mud in the Pacific Ocean as a potential resource for rare-earth elements

World demand...

Dust - and mineral - iron utilization by the marine dinitrogen -fixer Trichodesmium

Trichodesmium,a filamentous...

New Move to Develop Global Standards for Measuring Energy Use in Buildings

Efforts to establish...

Soil Science in a Changing World

18-22 September  2011


Stanford transparent batteries: seeing straight through to the future

It sounds like something...

China's Climate Minister Speaks In Support Of Carbon Capture And Storage

Carbon capture.

Probing the Role of the Sun in a Era of Global Warming

Anyone who doubts...