sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Potential of renewable energy outlined in report by Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change

Close to 80 percent of the world's energy supply...

Winter leaf reddening in 'evergreen species'

Leaf reddening during autumn...

Carbon cycling in tropical ecosystems

Carbon cycling.

26th New Phytologist Symposium

Bioenergy Trees

INRA - Nancy,France

17-19 May,2011

UK opens unit to transfer climate change expertise

Climate change expertise.

UN Climate Change Conference June 2011


6-17 June 2011

El coche eléctrico se doctora con una alta autonomía

Renewables energies.

La ONU diseña una hoja de ruta para dar el salto a las renovables

Renewable energy.

Painéis solares estão na moda e são rentáveis

Solar panels.

domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

Forests May Spur Financial Rewards,Curb Climate Change

...Tropical forests are disapearing at a rate...

Nuevas ayudas y tarifas bajas de la luz para empujar el coche eléctrico

...El vehículo eléctrico es la apuesta de Industria....

Vatican science panel calls attention to the threat of glacial melt

A panel of some of the world's leading...

U.S. farmers dodge the impacts of global warming - at least for now

Global warming is likely already taking a toll...

Plant immunity "corroded" by rust

The genomes of fungi which cause wheat stem...